TOONITEditing your Captured Shots in Toonit1. Once you capture a shot of your scenes in the Toonit Lens, you will automatically be redirected to the Toonit Canvas. Here, you can make…Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
TOONITSelecting Transportation Assets in Toonit1. Under the Transportation [tab], there are various assets that can be dragged and dropped into the Toonit Lens. Select and filter by:Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
TOONITApplying Styles to CharactersUnder the Styles category in the Toonit Canvas, there are various styles that can be applied to the characters such as facial expressions…Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
TOONITEditing Published WebtoonsIf you would like to make the following edits to your published webtoons, follow the steps below:Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
TOONITEditing your Toonit Storyboard1. After editing is finished, click the “Export” button on the top right corner of the page to bring the scene onto the storyboard.Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
TOONITSelecting Vibe Assets on Toonit1. The left-hand side is the asset panel which lists the 3D asset components that can be brought into the Toonit Lens to make your desired…Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITSelecting Characters on Toonit1. Under the [Character] tab, there are various characters that can be dragged and dropped into the Toonit Lens. Select and filter by:Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITSelecting Building Assets on Toonit1. Under the [Building] tab, there are various buildings and structures that can be dragged and dropped into the Toonit Lens. Select and…Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITSelecting Object Assets on ToonitUnder the [Objects] tab, there are various assets that can be dragged and dropped into the Toonit Lens. Select and filter by:Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITPublishing Your Webtoon on Toonit1. Once your webtoon is ready to be published, click the blue “>” button on the bottom right of your storyboard and preview.Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITCapturing a Shot in Toonit1. When your scene is ready, click the camera button at the bottom row of your screen.Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITRigging Your Character on ToonitUse the 3D rigging tool to bring your characters to life by controlling its skeletal rigs and movements. Start by selecting your character…Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITSelecting Style Assets on ToonitUnder the Styles category, there are various styles that can be applied to the characters such as facial expressions, body poses…Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
TOONITIntroducing the Toonit ConstructWelcome to Toonit. The Toonit Construct is where you can create your own webtoon without having any illustration skills and share it…Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022